Featured products
How it works
It’s easy to earn up to 50% profit on our fundraising chocolate bars.
Just sign up for an account and order your fundraising chocolates, sold by the case at a discounted price.
Sell them at our recommended price to raise funds for what matters to you: new uniforms, a field trip, playground equipment.

Fundraising Ideas
Why everyone loves fundraising with Purdys
Ellyn, Delta Gymnastics Society
Purdys has been a wonderful partner for all our fundraising needs! They look after all the details, supply us with colourful promotional material and check often on our progress and how they might make things easier. I highly recommend Purdys Chocolatier for a deliciously effective way to raise money for your cause

David, Laurie Middle School
The product is so great that it sells itself, giving timid kids a better chance to succeed. I have had some kids sell $1,400 worth of chocolate in one year alone, paying for their entire music trip, where they wouldn't have been able to otherwise. I am grateful for the opportunities this affords my students.

The product is so tasty that it sells itself, giving all kids an opportunity to succeed. I have had some kids sell $1,000 worth of chocolate in one year alone, paying for their enrollment and uniform fees, where they wouldn't have been able to otherwise. I am grateful for the opportunities this allows all the players!